If you are newly bereaved by suicide, please accept our deepest condolences to you and your family.
The days that follow after the death a loved one to suicide can be devastating. It is important to seek support from family, friends and professionals if you find the sadness overwhelming. Help is always available and many services are free of charge. We list a few here whom we feel can help with support for suicide bereavement.
A bereavement support group for those who have lost a child, loved one or friend to suicide.
They meet once a month. Managed by SOS.

Organised by The Therapy Room under psychologist Dr Geraldine Tan, this support group for mothers only offers a safe space to grieve and find consolation. Monthly meetings every 3rd Monday of the month. Call to register: 6467 8903 or contact@thetherapyroom.com.sg

Child Bereavement Support Singapore (CBSS) is a peer-support grouping of bereaved parents who have all found that meeting other parents has helped in their healing journey. They meet monthly on the 2nd Thursday of the month and are open to anyone who has lost a child regardless of circumstances, how recent or long ago. No registration required.

Hearts That Heal Together, Stay Together

Provides one to one therapy or group support for any loss.
Registration form here.​
Bereavement Support Links

Help is at Hand

How to cope with the suicide of a loved one