Youth is a time for discovery and transition. Many feelings are new and unfamiliar.
These may affect our mind, body and spirit in many ways that may overwhelm and
cause uncertainty and imbalance.
If you are in distress - reach out and seek help now. Your feelings are real and you're not alone in your struggles. It is possible to find someone who will listen and understand. Together we can plan a way forward and live well, one day at a time.

Youth Support Services

CHAT provides a personalised and confidential mental health check for young people aged 16-30. To find out more, visit CHAT’s website at https://chat.mentalhealth.sg/
Shan You Counselling
Subsidised counselling for students below 25 years
+65 67419293 counselling@shanyou.org.sg

The TZDK fund pays for counselling support from Limitless for anyone below 25 years. Apply here.
Initiated by Brahm Centre, offers understanding and counselling - 6655 0000
Weekdays (9am – 6pm) :
After hours : 8823 0000 assistme@brahmcentre.com

OTR Listens is an online platform (chat service) which provides a safe, non-judgmental outlet and emotional support for anyone faced with life challenges. https://otrlistens.net/
For anyone 13-35 years and the line is open Mon-Fri 4pm-12am; Sat-Sun 12noon-12am. Run by Over the Rainbow.
Youthline an integrated youth service to support young people who need help, regardless of race, religion or economic background. For those up to 35years.
Call 6436 6612 Text +65 8533 9460
email hello@youthline.sg
9am - 6pm Monday - Friday
For primary children providing support, advice and information and a listening ear.
1800–274 4788
Mon to Fri: 2.30pm – 5.00pm
TOUCH Youth Intervention
Counselling for mental health and youth issues.
(Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm)
Chat with Belle, a help bot that offers safe & anonymous conversations on your mental health needs. Connect here.
Oogachaga: Embracing Diversity
Provides counselling and support for LGBTQ+
- 6226 2002
- 8592 0609
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays: 7pm – 10pm; Saturdays: 2pm – 5pm.

Instagram Self-Help
Instagram is a great tool with a wealth of information dedicated to mental health support and healing. We like these accounts and you may too!